Breast Case Scenario (previously known as Breast Intentions) began as a fundraising team under the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. In 2012, Debbie received a diagnosis that would shake the Luongo family to their core. Months into Debbie’s treatment it became apparent that if they wanted a cure, they would have to help find one.
In the Summer of 2012, Nicole created a team and, as a family, the Luongo’s began to fundraise and hold fundraising events.
Debbie was treated at Dana Farber Cancer Institution in Boston, MA. Enduring months of chemotherapy, multiple surgeries, and radiation therapy, the Luongo family learned that there was so much more to this cancer journey than the struggle through cancer treatment.
Join us as we raise funds to help women cope with the daily side effects of breast cancer treatment and help restore the normalcy of everyday life that was once known prior to this devastating diagnosis.
From Nicole stenciling in her mother’s eyebrows every morning to Debbie being able to only work a few hours a week, there were daily struggles that many people did not see.
After years of fundraising for Making Strides, Nicole decided that in 2018, it was the perfect time to start a new journey, launching her own nonprofit. Nicole wanted to be able to focus in on the struggles she witnessed her own mother and family face that she knew so many more were facing, too.
A team built from family that aims to support other families
Founder and
Executive Director
Special Initiative Clerk
Breast Intentions was originally a team created by Nicole that participated in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk for six years. After Debbie’s diagnosis with cancer, her daughters Vanessa, Victoria and Jacqueline supported their mother through her diagnosis in more traditional ways.
Nicole decided to take her own unique approach: starting a team and participating in Making Strides would be her way of coping with the situation. Nicole felt that this was the most active way for the entire family to take a negative time in their lives and focus their energy into something positive and productive. Although no family should have to face a cancer diagnosis and have to question a lifetime together, this disease has brought the family even closer and has truly shaped who they are and how they live their lives on a daily basis.
Nicole and her parents remain active within the community fundraising, planning, and attending events. Her sisters are all employed within the medical field. Vanessa is a nurse at Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital; Victoria is an oncology nurse at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and is a nurse practitioner; and Jacqueline is beginning nursing school and is a clinical assistant at Dana Farber Cancer Institution.